Paranormal investigators stress the importance of being scientific on a ghost hunt. The scientific process involves suggesting a hypothesis and then testing it experimentally. If the test is confirmed and repeatable, it becomes a scientific fact.
That's the problem with paranormal research: the repeatability part. Unlike the normal world where a scientist can see and touch their way around a test, few paranormal investigator have the luxury of seeing or touching spirits—much less on demand.
How do paranormal investigators collect scientific evidence?
Paranormal investigators, or ghost hunters, have many devices that detect capacitance (like an REM Pod), EMF (electromagnetic fields) or light variance. Anomalies in these are not always paranormal, but they are one of the best ways we have to document the paranormal.
For instance, the Earth’s magnetic field can shift causing spikes in EMF meters. This "sinewave" will be seen by EMF meters such as the K-II as a sudden spike.
It's paranormal investigators' job to differentiate between those magnetic field spikes and the signs of paranormal activity. To determine the frequency of spirits and cancel out the rest, we need many data points.
It's also difficult to determine what part of the EM spectrum that spirits are in. The EM spectrum is commonly broken into 4 main classifications:
Ionizing Radiation (bad)
Radio Waves
Then each of those 4 are broken down further into 19 smaller classifications. You can’t really have one device that can sense them all. Maybe it’s possible to make one, but none of us could afford it. (That’s some NASA level experimental equipment.)
We are surrounded by electromagnetism. Our electronic devices generate EM. Mobile phones, radio and TV waves, WiFi, your Rumba…almost everything around us generates electromagnetism. So how to we sort out what is normal and what is paranormal? Since we can't even say definitively which spectrum spirits exist in, how do we dial in on a frequency?
It's often said that ghosts exist within a certain frequency, but no specific frequency or frequency range have been put forth by researchers or paranormal investigators. This remains a hypothesis that's hard to prove. But that should not stop a paranormal researcher from testing the hypothesis. That is the scientific way, after all.
How could we determine the frequency of ghosts?
Determining the frequency of a ghost is possible but requires sophisticated and expensive equipment like a full spectrum analyzer to determine the bandwith of a ghost's frequency. Once the bandwidth is determined, specialized equipment can be used to identify the ghost's frequency.
Electromagnetic noise would have to be accounted for, too. This means eliminating the EMF from man made devices and naturally occurring magnetic fields.
I would love nothing more than to help forward this research.
I envision a device something like far field technologyin ghost array of spectrum analyzers filling a room. When a new EMF frequency enters the room, all the background EM could be marginalized. This new EMF is focused on and then recorded. This device is possible, but I doubt any investigator could afford it. For now.